Ugyen Academy
Dear Parents and Guardians,
A Hearty Welcome to Term II of 2024!
John Keats, an English Romantic poet and author, said, “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.”
Therefore, dear students, welcome back to experience Term II of the 2024 academic session. UA is known for its vibrant school culture and climate, always bubbling with meaningful activities and consistently accomplishing its goals. As Term II of 2024 begins, we are once again unstoppable and gaining momentum. UA is blessed with outstanding students, caring teachers, active and involved parents, and a dynamic School Administration Team (SAT).
Together, we will continue to enhance our culture of continuous improvement. While we refine the ways we collaborate, make decisions, and solve problems together, we will be putting a strong focus on continuing to build a heart-to-heart connection with our students and their parents. Additionally, UA ensures a safe environment where courtesy and kindness prevail and where there is respect for differences in other people, customs, and cultures. Each individual is valued and thought to be special. Our motto, “Be Your Best,” inspires each individual to strive to achieve their best. Positively, UA is heading for another bountiful year in 2024.
Please take note of the activities in Term II of August 2024 in our highlight section or find here the list of activities for Term II 2024:
Sl.No | Day/Date | Activity |
1 | Tuesday, 9th July, 2024 | Term I Result |
2 | Sunday, 21st July, 2024 | All Boarding Students Report |
3 | Monday, 22nd July, 2024 | Problem Solving Day |
4 | Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 | Classes begin for all |
5 | 3rd School Kurim (Prayer Ceremony) Day to decided (July 2024) | |
6 | Saturday, 2nd August, 2024 | OM - PAAM UA Team Lu- Jong "Zumba" (3rd Fitness Programme) Korean Drill |
7 | UA U15 Fly to Bangalore, India to participate in the Subroto Cup: 2024 - International Football Tournament | |
8 | July 25th to end of August 2024 | UA Drama Team as the Winner of Punakha Dzongkhag level will participate at the National Level, in Thimphu |
9 | Saturday, 28th September 2024 | Geography Colloquium (My mindfulness city/My Ge-SAR) |
10 | Thursday, 10th October, 2024 | Math Olympiad – UA MINDS Begins |
11 | Friday, 11th October, 2024 | Socratic Seminar Begins |
12 | Friday, 25th October 2024 | Promoting 3Cs in Literature: Declamation, Poetry week ends |
13 | Monday, 14th-26th October 2024 | Trial Examinations for Class X and XII |
14 | Tuesday, 12th -26th November 2024 | Home Examinations (Class VII, IX and XI) |
15 | Thursday, 28th November – 13th December | Board Examinations (Class VIII, X and XII) |
16 | Saturday, 14th December -9th February 2025 | Winter Vacation |
* Note: Home Assessments AAT/HAT, regular CCAs/ECAs including Annual Swimming Gala: 2024, and field trips are not reflected in this schedule. |
Finally, please keep visiting our school website as the School Administration Team (SAT) will keep updating it to keep everyone abreast of the meaningful changes. Above all, thank you for entrusting your child’s education with us and for the unrelenting support. Our partnership will add greater meaning to your child’s future.
(Your Principal)
Lopen Norbu Gyaltshen
Ugyen Academy
Ugyen Academy
More “National Toppers” – To dispel the strong sense of deja vu in people who care for UA
With just a solitary topper in the recent class XII (BHSEC) result, I can feel a strong sense of deja vu in people who care for UA; definitely, we are a bit spoilt because we are so used to producing more than 2 national toppers. Even amongst my teachers and my family members, we land up consoling each other, although I do not feel the need to do so – holistically “we are at our best”.
Concurrently, I just feel that it is the flip side of the overblown importance many of us have given to “National Toppers”. Please understand that I am not making excuses for failing to produce more national toppers. As a matter of fact, I understand the toil and the chemistry involved to produce national toppers. For that matter, UA has produced as many as 49 national toppers in the BCSEA examinations in our 2 decades of service to the nation; in some years as many as 6 national toppers well distributed in all three streams – all records difficult to break. Thus, UA is full of admiration in seeing other schools producing national toppers like we have done year after year – CONGRATULATIONS, Damphu CS, Karma Academy, and Royal Academy for stealing the show in 2021.
At the same time, I would not want to say that we have not done well. Publicly, we wish to commend our supportive parents/guardians, resilient teachers, and disciplined students for the commendable finish to the most challenging academic session 2021. Of note, on behalf of the UA family, I wish to express my gratitude to some individuals/agencies who have made us feel better (please view the attachments).
Furthermore, on a purely personal note, I wish to share that I had actually tendered my resignation several times, the last one being in September of 2021 – to “manage out” myself. My proprietor had asked me to look for a replacement; upon my request, my School Administration Team (SAT) scouted and they had even approached a few prominent principals. No one took the offer and I had no choice but to pull on. Right now, I am happy that a change was not made lest they are whipsawed unnecessarily – for not producing so-called more “National Toppers”.
Finally, as we head back into our classrooms, I am convinced that everyone who cares for UA has parked aside the foreboding sense of déjà vu - more “National Toppers”. “If anyone hasn’t, please do so, we assure you all that we are refreshed and recharged for the academic session 2022”. We are so excited to re-imagine the future of education with you all and refocus on every student, live up to our vision to be a school of WILL – Winners, Innovators, Learners, and Leaders, driven by our motto, “Be Your Best”. Oh! Please hang on; “Winners” in our vision is not just about winning trophies, more importantly, it is winning hearts. Thanks!
More National Toppers

Annual Examination Results: 2020
Ugyen Academy, Annual Examination Results for 2020 academic session (classes IX & XI) declared today. Congratulation to all the students!!! Please contact your class teacher if you are not able to access your result.
To access your result, please click Result on the menu bar....

Once again...
UA welcomes Classes IXs and XI Science on 19th and 20th September 2020. Come with care. Travel safely; bring along happiness and “Be Your Best”. Check the attachments for details of reporting.
Requirements for Students:
Given the Lockdown experience, the SAT felt that parents/guardians should see to it that their child’s essential items for the remaining academic session is as far as possible with them when they come so that unnecessary risks and expenditure can be avoided – listed below :
As informed by class teachers, the students must come with the following:
***The extract from UA’s Preparedness and Response Plan (PRP) for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – Post Lockdown is available with the teachers – if parents/guardians need more detailed information please contact your child’s class teacher.
Phase wise Reporting Notice for classes IXs and XIs
Please take note of UA’s Reporting Dates: the School Administration Team (SAT) has phased out the reporting dates to ensure proper implementation of UA’s Preparedness and Response Plan for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – Post Lockdown
Reporting Sequence |
Stream/ Classes |
Boarders Reporting Date and Time |
Classes Resume on |
The Only Point of Entry (OPoE): Screening and Health Protocols
1st Batch |
IX A, B & C
Saturday 19th September 2020 All boarding student of Class IX A, B & C must report before 12(noon) PM |
Monday 21st September 2020 *day students report as per SoPs given by respective class teachers/Head of School
*RBP or Desuups/UA Volunteers will regulate the traffic observing health protocols at Only OPoE (Gate 1)–UA Football Stadium Gate – Separate arrangement for classes IXs after 12M (noon) on 19th Sept 2020 *First the student(s) will enter from the Gate 1 (OPoE) -Student(s) volunteers will be there to help with the belongings *Upon entry they will undergo thermal screening *Referral to Flue Camp will only be made if demanded by HMSST (Based on records and temperature reading) *Next, they will have to scan with Druk Trace app or register manually *After that, the student volunteers will escort the students with their belongings into decontamination /health protocols area for decontamination of footwear and belongings/hand wash *After decontamination the student(s) are escorted to the class teachers for verification and issuance of Hostel Admit Ticket (HAT)/Class Admit Ticket (CAT) *The student(s) must inform the Parents/Guardians over the phone the moment they receive the HAT/CAT *Parents/Guardians are advised to leave only after their child gets HAT/CAT |
2nd Batch |
UA School of Science: XI Sc A, B & C |
Sunday 20th September 2020 All boarding student of Class IXs and XI Science Stream must report before 3 PM |
3rd Batch |
Arts Department: Classes XIs A,B,C & Commerce Department: Commerce A & B |
Sunday, 27th September 2020 All Arts and Commerce Stream boarding students must report before 4 PM |
Monday 28th September 2020 *day students report as per SoPs given by respective class teachers/HoD |
Day students will also be screened while entering into the campus on the day when classes resume and declaration/undertaking form must be signed. There will be separate SoPs for day students which will have to be strictly followed by parents/guardians or proprietors of paying guests (PGs).
Kadrin-che-la Mewang-Choe
“Soelra” from our Her Majesty the Queen, Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck - Kadrin-che-la Mewang-Choe
2020 was struck with a worldwide pandemic, a disease that found its way into the land of the thunder dragon, Bhutan. With panic and fear engraved into the hearts of the citizens, our country had no choice but to go in lockdown. Despite the occurrence of this unfortunate event, we as citizens have been able to see the rays of hope in the darkness of Covid-19. Had it not been for the rapid solutions and leadership of our beloved King and Queen, we would be helpless. Fortunate as we are, we are also being sheltered under the protection of our Dharma Kings, His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and King Jigme Singye Wangchuck.
Amidst this lockdown, people faced many challenges, family schedules went upside down, and basic necessities of the people especially of young girls in boarding schools ran short. Even money had no meaning; the lockdown was lifted, unlocking empty shops.
On the other hand, we are blessed to have received this valuable “soelra” from our Her Majesty the Queen, Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck. No words can express our gratitude for this heartfelt and thoughtful “soelra”; even then we would like to sincerely thank Her Majesty for being our light in the darkness. We pledge our loyalty for all times to come. Kadrin-che-la Mewang-Choe…
UA Girls Health Captains
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Firstly, I am aware that most parents are better informed about UA then sometimes people like us who are with the students 24 X 7. It is because unlike other schools, UA has given your child some regulated time to use their mobile to connect to their loved ones – parents and family members. Also, UA boarding students before the lock down enjoyed the OiE OiE outings (Re: Attachment 1).
Yet, as we continue to navigate through the storms of COVID-19 pandemic, I am writing today to ease your worry as much as possible given all media around the Corona virus. As you know, providing a healthy and safe campus environment has always been a priority and now has become the topmost priority for Ugyen Academy. Thus, we have remodeled our entire Human Resource Structure and Terms of References to suit the needs of the New Normal. In a post-covid-19 education system, we have no choice but to bring our attention to providing the best possible health services in the school campus; choosing from the best, we have instituted the UA Health and Medical Support Services Team (HMSST). Today, we take pride as a school in our HMSST’s ability to safely address most of the health problems inside the school campus, thereby minimizing exposure to diseases and reducing movement in these challenging and changing times.
Academics (ALS)
Our next priority will obviously be our children’s academics; arguably some could consider it even as the most important and that is perfectly fine. Anyway, everyone is aware that we are all rolling out the Education in Emergency (EiE), EiE Adapted Curriculum (UA Classes VII, VIIIs, IXs, and XIs - all three streams) and EiE Prioritized Curriculum (UA Classes Xs and XIIs - all three streams) developed by our Ministry of Education and the Royal Education Council. Given the pandemic, none of this is easy and much of it is out of our control, so I ask for your understanding and constructive comments as I share the following information about the two:
EiE Adapted Curriculum (UA Classes VII, VIIIs, IXs, and XIs (all three streams) :
Firstly, we are happy to share that, our proprietor is investing in upgrading our ICT facilities. Next, our Distance Learning Solutions Support Services Team (DLSSST) is strengthened; it is now a new Department in the New Normal. DLSSST has been able to have intranet facilities inside our campus and this makes access and delivery of e-Lessons quick and friendly without having to worry about data cost. DLSSST is also initiating webinars; group chats and live streaming as alternatives to in-person gatherings. Meanwhile, for the students, the teachers have been conducting Google classes as per the guidelines provided for delivery. Besides, UA adopted its own customized approach, “My Students, My Responsibility - MSMR” a pledge driven method to maximize the quality virtual connection between the subject teacher and his/her students (Re: Attachment 2- MSMR 10).
As evident, from the MSMR 10, the teacher is supposed to have had the best possible delivery of the EiE Adapted Curriculum in the Google Classroom/online class. The School Administration (SAT) is very happy with almost all the teachers’ efficacy in Google Classrooms/online classes - as per the reports (MSMR 1 – MSMR 10) submitted on a fortnightly basis. However, we understand that all our parents may not be happy with teachers handling the subject(s) for your child/children. In case, if a teacher has failed, then, do let SAT know in the email provided. We will follow up to see that your child/children is/are taken care of immediately in that/those subjects. Monitoring teachers in the virtual world is a very complex task but SAT is trying its best; it where parents can inform us as you know better how the child is being engaged in the Google classroom by each subject teacher.
EiE Prioritized Curriculum (UA Classes Xs and XIIs (all three streams):
Except for the students repeating in class XIIs, our coverage is very good for all classes (across all three streams) as we did not lose time in the beginning and nor did we lose much time in-between. We had made sure to invest more time during closure (Google classes) to non-technical subjects (mainly languages) as it was quite friendly for online classes. Hence, the moment we got to go face to face instruction, our priority has been on the technical subject (mainly mathematics, accountancy, economics, and sciences). Even with the disruption now, we are following up with serious remediation exercises to ensure that our students achieve the best – as always. Further, we are already into the blended approach with formal instruction in online mode – Google classroom. This is to guarantee that the day students are not missed out and that the teachers who reside outside the school campus are able to virtually reach to all his/her students. Therefore, please do not worry, UA teachers have the ability to strategically plan and implement even in difficult times or in this New Normal.
UA Students’ Engagement Activities during COVid-19 Nationwide Lock down:
With the nation under lock down, many parents may be interested to know how we are engaging our students. Definitely, anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and isolation are factors in the COVID-crisis. Research has indicated that these have become more prevalent. Hence, all of us have to think more carefully about building a sense of community and human contact through this challenging and changing times-we must be #inthistogether. Yes, there is a risk that by focusing on academics only or for that matter keeping them indoors most of the time; we could forget that wellness needs to come first. While checking in with students to make sure that they are coping is important, allowing students to connect with one another in activities that help them to build emotionally is the new mantra for excellence in the New Normal. Thus, to provide the much needed pastoral care and support our students' engagement in co-curricular and extracurricular activities is taken to be a collective responsibility (Re: Attachment 3 - UA Students’ Engagement Activities during CoVid-19 Nationwide Lockdown).
We will continue to adapt and adopt innovative practices to keep all our students meaningfully engaged. Come what may, UA will ensure that your child’s/children’s education will not be compromised but raised. Thank you for your continued support and for entrusting the safety of your children to us.
Lopen Norbu Gyaltshen
2nd June 2020: Social Forestry Day to commemorate the Coronation of our beloved King HM Jigme Singye Wangchuck who is the first ‘Champion of the Earth’ award in 2005 instituted by UNEP.
4th June 2020: Birthday of our Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, the patron of environment preservation in Bhutan.
5th June 2020: World Environment Day (WED) is one of the biggest events celebrated in the world every year; it is supposed to be the "People's Day" to do something to take care of the earth and the environment. We are not doing but polluting. Thanks to the CORONA pandemic lockdown, the earth got time to heal a bit, the sky is clearer, and the air cleaner.
I am happy that Lord Buddha joined us this year on WED to teach us mindfulness - to be mindful of our actions on the world. CORONA would have never come if we did not harm other living creatures.
I feel we should observe a CORONA-TION week each year - a CORONA pandemic lockdown on earth each year. For 2020 we did our part during the CORONA-TION WEEK, AN ENVIRONMENT WEEK
Happy CORONA-TION Weekend.
Dear Parents, Teachers, and Students - on school reopening,
We are writing to appraise each and every one of our plans to begin the phased re-opening of Ugyen Academy (UA). The government has asked us to plan a reopening of the school from Wednesday, 1st July 2020 for classes X and XII only. We accept that it is our sacred responsibility to plan a phased reopening based on our judgments of what is safest for all of us. Hence, this letter has three important attachments:
- Phase wise Reporting Notice: Provided to ensure that each and every student is thoroughly screened
- An important extract from UA’s Preparedness and Response Plan (PRP – 4th Edition, 20th June 2020) for school reopening on 1st July 2020:
It spells out the expectations and guidelines/protocols to be followed when school reopens
- PRP Structure System (Human Resources –Command/Communication)
For easy contact and to identify the concerned individual's responsibility/duty for effective implementation of UA’s Preparedness and Response Plan (PRP) for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
As evident from above, considering the safety of our students and UA staff members, we have put great thrust to Health and Medical Unit; it has been strengthened with the best possible health team headed by a consultant doctor, two seasoned nurses and trained support staff to provide 24X7 health services in the campus. Even each class has a female and a male Class Health Captain who are automatic members of the School Health and Medical Unit.
While we have done everything under the sun to ensure safety, it is important to share a bit on our academic plan. Today, despite extraordinary advances in the development of countermeasures, the ease of world travel and increased global interdependence have added layers of complexity to containing these infectious diseases that affect not only the health but the economic stability of societies. The Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has to some degree been catastrophic for the world including Bhutan- it has been rolling out public fear, economic loss, and adversely impacting schools. Therefore, as envisaged in our objective, UA’s Preparedness and Response Plan for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is designed to some degree for adapting to reclosing and reopening schools as needed due to resurgence of community transmission.
Accordingly, we are adopting a Blended Learning Approach - combination of face-to-face and online learning. Our DLS Unit has also been strengthened and ICT facilities up-graded for effective blended learning. The school will have intranet facilities to continue online classes as well; online assignments and assessments will continue to exist on the school campus. Consequently, we will be allowing students to come with their electronic gadgets to school but they will have to surrender their SIM to the Planning and Operation Unit/Class Teacher/Matrons/Wardens. Each student will have to sign the ICT pledge. Having said so, our challenge will be to e-discipline all our students – a real big challenge. Nonetheless, as shared in the past, we are prepared to come up with an added feature in our values education classes – Values education for the 21st Century Technology-Based Education. Anyway, we have no choice but to have a go for the better. We are sure parents will support the move.
Thank you for your ongoing support and hope to see you all in good health soon.
Lopen Norbu Gyaltshen
Thank You UA - Monthly Tests
Dear Parents and Students,
Our monthly tests for the month of March and April 2020 are beginning from today (Saturday, April 25, 2020). Like the monthly tests conducted during regular academic sessions, the online tests will cover only those topics covered under the EiE curriculum or UA’s Distance Learning Solutions (DLSs). Accordingly, the assessment criteria have been innovated to suit the e-learning and teaching (EiE) environment.
We are attaching the Time Table and the Assessment Criteria so that all are aware of the kind of assessment(s) we are trying to come up with, after coming to grips with the online delivery (DLS) of the EiE curriculum. Kindly go through the time table and the assessment criteria and provide us your valuable feedback. We must admit that it is not perfect; it is rather a temporary solution to ensure that we partner with the parents, meaningfully engage our students and jointly make an assessment.
At the same time, we are all aware that we are all facing a host of challenges when it comes to teaching or assessing remotely; the digital divide - grappling with unfamiliar technologies, those who lack adult supervision, or those who are facing domestic problems, resource problems — the list goes on. Therefore, it will be our sacred responsibility to help such students, if not now, even later when the school re-opens.
Meanwhile, driven by a pandemic to the front lines of an unprecedented rush to distance-learning, we don’t have a choice but to be inundated in our own respective groups in Google classrooms, messenger, telegram, We-chat, emails, texts, BBS Lessons, and calls – a desperate attempt to keep education going. We are all stressed and to some degree panic-stricken but we must work together to get through this crisis.
We remain very certain that with the amount of love, care and concern from our beloved His Majesty, the heroic efforts of our government; the ever-rising fountain of prayers from our “Zhung Dratshang” (Central Monastic Body – CMB) and the collaboration of Bhutanese people, the pandemic will end soon and life will spring back to normalcy. It will.
UA Principal
Dear Parents, Students and Teachers,
In the wake of the MoH confirming the first coronavirus (COVID-19) case in the country, the School Administration Team has come up with an UA Emergency Plan for Covid-19
Hence, please note the following important extract from the UA Emergency Plan for Covid-19 until further notice:
No classes will be conducted
- Day students including the ones in PGs (residing outside of the school) will not come to school
- No outing for boarding students but there will regulated activities to keep students engaged
- Boarding Students on leave will not report to the hostel
- Boarding students wishing to go home can go home only if parents/guardians come to get them
- Visitors will not be allowed to meet students nor are they allowed into the campus
- Parcels and letters will not be accepted into the school campus
- All must strictly follow hand hygiene and take precautionary measures as per School Health Officers’ instructions
- Anyone in the campus feeling ill will report to the School Health Officers immediately
- The School Administrative Officers must ensure 24X7 water supply in the hostels
- All staff members inside the campus will have to comply and work in tandem with the School Health Officers’ instructions
- Above all, please do not panic, we will work and pray together to see that ALL are safe.
UA Principal