
Rafting Club

                   “The song of the river ends not at her banks but in the hearts of those who have loved her.”                                               

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The love for the river and its chilling effect is rampant in Ugyen Academy. The count down begins on Monday until weekend approaches. Students anxiously wait for weekend to row the boat and make memories. Thanks to the initiation of rafting club. The rafting club started last year in Ugyen Academy and the club is going on full swing. With students rowing the boat, screaming, laughing, and enjoying every bits of the adventurous sail.  Students find no need to adjust their sail for what beholds in front of the bravest is the adventure.

The rafting, this year, started last week and is still going on during weekends. It is the curiosity that keeps people growing and exploring. It turns out that little young minds are courageous and always prepared. As it’s rightly mentioned, ‘The future belongs to the curious. The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.’ We discovered the innate potential of our students when they jeer on seeing the waves. It is the outrageous enthusiasm in exploring the realms of an aquatic life.

ROW, ROW, ROW your boat

Gently down the stream.

                   “A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.”                                                                

                                                                                                                                              - Laura Gilpin